Good Feeling Fragility

The sun was shining, it was a beautiful day.  I pulled my shorts out of the closet and much to my surprise, they were loose.  They actually were too big.  I was on top of the world.  Swimming in my shorts.

Later in the night, feeling all confident about myself, I joined my three boys in the hot tub.  Sliding in, they scooted to the other side.  Claims that there was not enough room abounded.  Oh kids, you are wrong, my loose fitting shorts are proof.

Then came the deal breaker, a well intended joke and a funny one at that, which landed squarely on my belly.  My youngest son, 8-year-old Ben, said in jest, “I wish upon a star that Dad would leave the hot tub.”  Laughter all around.  Fine, I shall take my smaller versioned self elsewhere.

Walking back into the house, my wife (who was smart enough not to go hot tubing with the boys) asked, “Did you get voted out of the hot tub?”  Yes, my dear, it appears so.

Good feelings and self confidence.  Enjoy them, while they last.  In my case, about four hours or until that first toe enters a hot tub full of judgement.


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