You spin me right round

Recently, I set new personal records each time I step on the bathroom scale. This is not a good thing.  As a result, my wife has been encouraging me to cross train.  Perhaps, my normal running schedule can no longer keep up with my food consumption levels and I need to ramp up the exercise a tad.

Okay, fine, but the main problem is that running is the only type of exercise I actually enjoy. Unfortunately, this leads to overuse of certain muscles, which brings me back once again to the unwelcome prospect of cross training.

Charlene is big into her morning spin classes and has been encouraging me to try one. I have resisted, because (1) the bike is not one of my favorite things to do at the gym, since I only have one favorite thing, the treadmill, and (2) the prospect of taking a class, where I actually sweat around other people, just does not sound fun.  Unfortunately, my personal weight records necessitate action.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Wandering into my first class, I was warmly welcomed and they accepted that I was a complete newby. As a result of being a newby, I also learned several things, like this workout uses muscles I was unaware that I had and I may be the only person on the planet that needs to wear a helmet, while riding a stationary bike.  My balance is that bad.  Oh well, I gave it a try.  Give me credit for at least trying to maintain the temple.

Yesterday, entering my third (yes, I have actually made it up to three) spin class, I was feeling a little better about myself… until two things happened.  First, during the workout, we took our pulse and according to the Age/Pulse chart on the wall, I should have been dead.  Yep, I was really working it.  Second, during the workout, I noticed that my knee was actually bleeding.  Yep, I may be the only person who can injure himself, while sitting in place.  Good Lord, this is going to be a long road back, especially trying to get there on a stationary bike.

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