“Where in the World are Sam’s Football Socks?” – The Lost Love Edition

One of 8-year-old Sam’s football socks was spotted on the kitchen table…

Football Sock 1 - Kitchen Table

Soon moved to relax on a chair in the living room…

Football Sock 2 - Living Room

Then apparently wanted to catch up on world events, by reading the Sunday paper… (By the way, why doesn’t any member of my family ever pick up these socks?  By the way, why don’t I?  Why do I take a picture of them, instead?  Why doesn’t the sock get the digital edition of the newspaper?  Why, indeed.)

Football Sock 3 - Sunday Paper

The next day, it was spotted on the kitchen counter…

Football Sock 4 - Kitchen Counter

Then not seeing the sock for a few hours, I had a flicker of hope that the sock was actually placed in the hamper.  I was wrong.  Later, it was spotted under Sam’s bed and was dangerously close to a lightsaber.  Don’t do anything foolish, football sock.  (Oh by the way, I spotted it, when I changed the sheets on Sam’s bed for the second time in two days.  The second time, because the first time, I accidently placed a fresh fitted sheet directly over the old dirty fitted sheet already on the bed and did not realize it until doing the laundry, which by the way still did not include the football sock.  Troublesome times in the Paulsen house.)

Football Sock 5 - Under Bed

What in the world was going through this sock’s head (even though socks of course just have heels and not heads)?

Then I walked onto the sun porch to put away a toy into a toy box that also doubles as a coffee table (the dogs does not seem bothered by any of this).

Football Sock 6 - Toy Box

Opening the box, I saw there under Captain America’s shield, next to some Legos, and on top of a crown was the sock’s mate.

Football Sock 7 - Lost Mate

That poor wandering sock had been in anguish, as it searched the house for its mate.  Yes, I have a heart and yes, I knew what to do next.

The socks were soon reunited on the hamper and later sent to the wash.

Football Sock 8 - Hamper Reunion

Smiles and hugs all around.  The world is right again.

The End.


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