“Where in the World are Jacob’s Socks?” – Welcome Home Edition

Last Saturday, I told the exciting (in my opinion only) tale of my 11-year-old son Jacob’s socks starting a new life under a pillow on the couch (Athletic Side Effect Edition).  Against my better judgment and under a protest of “ew” from my wife, I decided to leave the socks under the couch pillow and see when Jacob would find them and hopefully place them in the hamper.

Now You Don'tNow You See Them

Footage from last Saturday showing the hidden sock love shack.

Days passed and the situation remained unchanged, until last Wednesday, when I found that for reasons only known to the preteen mind, only one sock had been placed in the hamper.  Sadly, one sock was left behind.  Lonely and without its mate.  A sad sight to behold and an even sadder knowledge that a sock still remained on the couch.

Hidden SockOnly One Remained

Last Wednesday, only one lonely sock remained.

Earlier today, I looked and the lone sock had vanished.  With great hope in my heart, I conducted a final quality control scan and my happiness was dashed.  The sock had sunk.  The brave little sock was on a voyage to the center of the couch.  Although I was proud of the sock and its adventure, the time had come to begin its journey home.

Journey to the Center of the Couch

The brave little sock deep within the couch.

Unwilling to just put the sock in the hamper myself, I placed it on top of Jacob’s tennis shoes that were resting by the back door.  Within the hour, the sock magically appeared on the laundry room floor.  It had found safe haven.  A little detergent, some fabric softener, and a fluff in the dryer and the sock would soon be reunited with its mate.  A week away from home was long enough.  You will always be welcome in the sock drawer little wanderer, it’s time to go home.

The Sock Makes It Home

The sock on the laundry room floor making its last stop on the way home.  Oh, how the sock drawer will erupt in celebration.  Welcome home, sock.  Welcome home.

Some bonus sock coverage for you…  this evening, in an act of divine comedy, Jacob won a pair of M&M socks (and a box of M&Ms) at a church event.  My son winning socks at church.  God only knows where they’ll end up next.

Sock Winner


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