“Where in the World are Jacob’s Socks?” – The Holy Edition

11-year-old Jacob had just returned from school. Chatting with him about his day, I witnessed my boy remove his socks and walk into the dining room.

After we had finished talking and Jacob went off to do the things that 11-year-olds do, I sensed an opportunity for blog fodder. Jumping into action and grabbing my camera, I was not disappointed. There on the dining room hutch was Jacob’s pair of socks sitting by the decorative wooden church cut-out.   Snapping a photo, it all became obvious. Jacob had sent his socks to church on his behalf. A plea for forgiveness. Forgiveness for the sin of leaving socks randomly placed around the house.

Thankfully not a deadly sin, just a stinky and annoying one.

Sunday Best Socks

Next time, the socks should select a larger church.


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