What a Friend, What a Future

This morning, we were there. Lined up in our church pew, singing along to the hymn, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.”

I was standing next to my 10-year-old son Ben. I could hear him singing along, when we came to the following line.

“Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?”

I looked at Ben and he returned the glance. We started to laugh softly. Dude, when your friends despise and forsake thee, you’re in a bad way.

That laugh. That joy and happiness shared with my son made me realize something. I was dialed into the church service. It was one of those beautiful Sunday mornings when it was really speaking to me. The scripture readings. The sermon. Everything. It was truly beautiful.

Not that I agreed with every single detail, but somehow that seemed alright. It was almost like a precious silent dialog with God. A type of peace.

I smiled. I was surrounded by love. I was at peace with my Lord and really receiving the Word. At the same time, I was giving back. Questioning. Contributing. Being one with the community, my family and friends, but also being happy in a personal and spiritual way.

If that is what awaits me someday. If that is what will greet me when I close my eyes forever. I will be so happy. So at peace. So the way it should be, at peace with our God.

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