Welcome Back, Old Friend

This past weekend, I went up to the attic and transferred out our meager St. Patrick’s Day decorations for our substantial-four-plastic-tub Easter decorations.  After carrying all of the bunnies and plastic grass down the stairs, my enthusiasm for decorating was nearly gone by the time the last set of Easter goodies arrived in the living room.

Thankfully, our 8-year-old Sam tackled the holiday decorating with youthful glee.  After an hour of Sam’s effort, the house looked festive for the upcoming holiday.  Bunnies, baskets, and plastic eggs hung here and there throughout the house.

Heading up to bed, I was surprised to see that Sam had also decorated our bedroom.  There sitting on our pillows was an old friend, my Bugs Bunny stuffed animal from my childhood.  Over the past few years, as my mom had sent boxes of childhood relics to our home, Bugs Bunny had found his way into our Easter decorations.  He is after all a rabbit and Easter is a good time for rabbits.  His new home was appropriate enough.  When Sam had seen Bugs, he figured the appropriate place for my stuffed animal would be my bed.  Sam was right.

Now only one question remains, how wrong is it for a grown man to sleep with a stuffed bunny?  Well, it’s plenty wrong.  I do however beg your understanding.  Given the crap that we have lived through over the past two weeks, I’ll take comfort and happiness anywhere I can find it, even in the arms of a Wascally Wabbit.

Bunny Bugs in his new home

(at least until the Easter decorations return to the attic)


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