Under the Pillow Surprise

Last night, I peacefully drifted off to sleep.  All was good.  Then at about half past midnight, I realized my arm was falling asleep, so I shifted around on my side of the bed trying to get comfortable.  This involved lots of tossing and turning and eventually I put my hand under my pillow to adjust it.  Putting my hand under my pillow also resulted in a surprise.  A nasty surprise.  There was wetness under my pillow.  Wetness that should not under any circumstance be present.  Grunting my disgust, I turned on the light and discovered (gasp!) dog vomit!  That’s right, it appears as if sometime during the previous morning, while Charlene and I were getting ready for work, our beloved beagle had thrown up what appeared to be chicken leftovers under my pillow.  Well hidden so that when the bed was made it was completely unnoticed.

Completely disgusted and completely tired.  I told Charlene that I would just sleep on the couch.  Thankfully, my wife’s brain wakes up much faster than mine, so she had the good sense to inform me that I could not just leave dog vomit until morning and that it needed to be cleaned up.  Changing the sheets and removing all remnants of Kirby the Beagle’s upset stomach, I again drifted off to sleep reflecting on life’s many blessings.  Needless to say, my dog’s under the pillow surprise was not one of them.


2 thoughts on “Under the Pillow Surprise”

  1. Wow, bet you thought with the kids so “grown up” you wouldn’t have these change out the bedsheets in the middle of the night!

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