Hearing my teenager and his friend chat, one word kept coming up, “lit.” “I’m so lit.” “That kid is lit.” “This dinner is lit.”
There really did not appear to be any logic to their use of the phrase and when I asked how to properly use the term “lit.” They ignored me.
Time to get my dad on. Having no fear and completely lacking any sort of shame, I announced that I had only one choice and that was to look up the term on the internet. Classic “Dad Move.” Hey, they had adequate warning.
Editing out the reference to intoxication, I read the Google result that was something like this, “Lit is a reference to something that makes you smile, as in your face lighting up. Lit.” Adult speak translation, “Stupid drunk smile.”
Looking at me with a stunned and somewhat horrified face in front of his friend, my son asked, “You Googled ‘lit’?!?”
Yep, I’m good with being a dork. In fact, I’m lit with it.