This is a Test

I was pretty proud of myself. At work, we heard the announcement regarding a lockdown drill and I knew just what to do.  I headed to the secure room, which in this case happens to feature a very comfy couch, and I waited for my co-workers to join me.  Since it was late on a Friday afternoon, the office was mostly vacant.  There I waited until a colleague showed up and looked as if she needed further direction.

Considering that I had taken on the role of “Safety Dave,” I looked at her and provided guidance.  “We need to lock the door, turn off the lights, and stay quiet.”  Then it dawned on me, these are not words you should ever speak to a co-worker.  Especially in a room with a super comfy couch.  Emergency be damned, this drill had created an uncomfortable situation all its own, even though the couch in the “safe room” really is rather comfy.


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