The Zone

Some days are just special.  The temps raise just so.  The snow covering is just enough.  Magic.  The ground suddenly becomes not covered with snow, but rather covered with the makings of snowmen.  Genesis!

Then with a little effort and a dash of creativity, snowmen appear.  Winter doldrums dashed.  All of life should be so easy.

Snow Boys

Welcome snow friends!

Snow Cat

To my knowledge, I am not allergic to snow cats.

Snowman Crew

Snowman success, thanks to a special guest appearance by Aunt Kathy and Grandma Judy, plus Snuggles the Fabric Softener Bear and the Blue Ninja Turtle (I’m sorry, I always get their names and weapons mixed up).

2 thoughts on “The Zone”

  1. The older GoZones! boys went outside to play basketball, shot a few and then turned to the remnants of snow on the parking lot outside the choir room and made a few snowballs to throw up on the neighbor’s garage roof, then tried for the higher church roof, and then one of the boys started making a snowball with his feet (no gloves on) and then moved on to make a little snowman with a hat (cottonwood leaf) and some eyes and mouth and arms (sticks) then the other guys found a pencil and another stick so he was now holding a walking stick, none of the kids were wearing mittens so that meant they eventually went on indoors. Today all the snow melted as we have a warm patch here (January thaw).

    1. I used to love that magic window in Kansas, when the snow would be perfect for snowmen. It would usually only last for about two or three hours, but just enough time to make a quality snowman.

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