Sometime over the past three years, I don’t know exactly when, I set a very lousy personal record. A personal record with which I struggle. A personal record that placed me in the “red” on the doctor’s office Body Mass Index (BMI) chart. A personal record where my weight passed 200 pounds.
I had every intention of returning under 200 and over the past three years, I have made many many attempts to dive back under that troublesome number. Each attempt failed.
Then came the past week. A week full of personal challenges. A week packed full of stress. A week supplemented with plenty of delicious red wine.
Now, I don’t check my weight on a regular basis, maybe once a month at best. This morning for whatever reason, I figured I would step on the scale and survey the damage. That is when I saw an amazing site. A site that I did not expect to see. An odd number that contained beauty and wonder. 199½!
Apparently a steady diet of red wine and elevated stress produces incredible results. Now, personally I would not recommend the “Red Wine and Stress Diet,” but it’s hard to argue with the short term results.