The Thrill of the Chase has Gone to Bed

Every night, I go into each of my boy’s rooms and tell them goodnight. Over the last month, 8-year-old Sam and I have developed a routine where I enter the room, close the door, Sam jumps out of bed, I chase Sam around the room, eventually catch him (I’m batting 1.000), pick him up, and return him to his bed.  Consider it as a little pre-bed father-son cardio time.

This evening, I entered the room to see that Sam had already crawled into bed. Closing the door, I gave him a look as if to say, “It’s time.”  Sam exited the bed and then ran straight into me.  Easy pickings.  Returning him to his bed and somewhat surprised, I asked, “What kind of a move was that?”  Pulling up the covers, he responded, “It’s the ‘I’m Tired’ move.”  Ah, sometimes even the gazelle needs a little sleep.


2 thoughts on “The Thrill of the Chase has Gone to Bed”

  1. This is the sweetest thing ever….and what a memory your creating for him to remember and possibly, make it a tradition with his kids one day

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