The Society to Preserve Wang Chung

Things I learned during today’s lunchtime spin class…

  1. People seem to want participation, even spontaneous singing is encouraged, especially when a sing along type song comes on.
  2. “Build Me Up Buttercup” by the Foundations may be perfectly designed for audience singing, especially the echo.
  3. Many people know “Everybody Have Fun Tonight” by Wang Chung, but very few people join me when I begin to sing along.
  4. This may be because of bashfulness or just a pure hatred of me, but somehow and in some way they must not enjoy the song. Hard to believe, I know.
  5. People who know the lyrics to Wang Chung songs are morally obligated to sing along, otherwise the entire Wang Chung experience will fade from our collective memory (more my opinion, instead of something I learned, but still a valid point).
  6. There is a large segment of the population, either too young or too old to fully appreciate such a Wang Chungish concept. It is the job of everyone who knows of Wang Chung to sing along, until either everyone around you can also sing along or they plot against you and smother you in your sleep.
  7. The person next to me in spin class did not appreciate my Wang Chungy rendition. Her loss and really the loss of all those who do not full understand Wang Chungishness.
  8. After “Build Me Up Buttercup” and “Everybody Have Fun Tonight,” even someone as clueless and self-absorbed as I am suddenly realizes that it is time to quit singing along and fully concentrate on spin class, because it may be my singing that is keeping me from burning a sufficient number of calories to keep up with my eating habits.
  9. Still, when you hear Wang Chung, you should sing along, because that’s the only way to ensure that future generations are fully exposed to all things Wang, as well as all things Chung.
  10. Now, they have a valid Wang Chungish reason to ban me from all group exercise activities at the YMCA. Silence is golden. (In a hushed voice, we join together, “Everybody have fun tonight, everybody Wang Chung tonight.”)


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