The Blurry Word of God

One of the volunteer opportunities I enjoy at church is serving as a lector.  A few times a year, you read some passages from the Bible.  Easy peasy.  The passages are provided and all you have to do is read them.  No problem.  In fact, it even gives me a chance to practice a little public speaking, as well as work on my “radio voice.”  “This is Doctor Dave bringing you the latest reading from the New Testament on Z100, ‘Your Power Rock.’”  Okay, maybe I don’t have that much discretion in improvising, but I can drop everything down an octave and make it sound much better.  Plus, if the reading includes any exclamation points, I get to decide if the congregation is going to be yelled at.  “Fire and brimstone, Z100 style.”

Well, I am still recovering from the Christmas sugar rush and as a result, I vary between fits of hyperawareness and intense sleepiness.  This does not lend well to advance preparation.  As a result, there I was late Saturday night printing out the readings for Sunday morning’s church service.  Finding the right email, I pushed print and soon realized that my children had been using the printer and had left it low on “Light Cyan” ink.  Really, I was printing in black and white, so why should Light Cyan make a different.  Would not the only essential cartridge be “Black” ink?  You would think so, but you would be wrong, because there was my printout in a semi-legible I-am-low-on-Light-Cyan ink font.


I knew it would be tough to read my paragraph.  I knew I would have to give it my best shot.  I knew I would have to bring my Lector A Game.  Sure I could have also used one of the hundreds of Bibles in the church, instead of my semi-legible printout, but that would be logical.  That would be sensible.  That would not be as exciting.

Digging deep, I read my lesson and…  aced it!  Yes!  And as a bonus, the Apostle Paul even gave me two exclamation points to work with…  “Abba!  Father!”  Yep, it was a good one.  Short and sweet and packed with excitement.  So today, as you experience low amounts of Light Cyan ink in some part of your life, don’t let it bring you down, instead make it epic.  The Apostle Paul would be proud.

Bulletin too

A bulletin that reads, “Lector:  Dave Paulsen.”  Now you know a quality reading is on its way.


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