That Part is New

Every day after school, our Kindergartener Ben gleefully shows me all of the papers contained in his backpack. Today, a picture revealed that they had been reading “The Tortoise and the Hare.”  It looked like they were told to select their favorite character and explain why they liked them.  Ben’s handwriting indicated that he liked “the rabbit, because he hops.”  Good enough reason.  When asked to tell me about the drawing, Ben indicated that he was the person standing with a flag by the finish line.  Full of enthusiasm, Ben also added, “And the Rabbit is punching the Turtle in the head.”  Hummm, I don’t remember that part of the story, but that certainly would have helped the rabbit in his quest for racing glory.  Perhaps, in Ben’s version, the turtle won, because the hare was disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct.  I guess I should give him credit.  It certainly makes the story more exciting than the rabbit deciding to take a nap.  Good thing it wasn’t the Grimm’s Fairy Tale version or else the turtle may have ended up eating the rabbit.  I guess things could have been much, much worse.


2 thoughts on “That Part is New”

  1. Fantastic, Dave. Just fantastic.

    Adeline’s first grade art — shared by the teacher at conferences last week (or was it the week before? — such a blur) — featured decapitated zombies chasing terrified children, amputated arms decorating the ceilings of a house, and other general horror. When I tried recovering with, “Oh, I bet lots of your students are obsessed with zombies these days,” teacher replied, “No, just Adeline.”

    Maybe taking her to help set up at the local Lions-sponsored haunted house wasn’t such a great idea.

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