Prepare yourself for a horrifying tale. As tale so frightening, I would have trouble believing that it is true. Yes, I would not believe it, but for the fact that it is happening to me. Happening to me today, yesterday, and the day before.
First I credited this new phenomena to my purchase of new sweaters. Certainly that was the cause. No cause for alarm. No need to be concerned, but for the fact that today I wore an old t-shirt. The sweaters were not the cause.
“The cause of what?,” you ask. Well, sit down. Prepare yourself to hear of a tale of human metamorphosis. Something unnatural and truly grotesque. Yes, you guessed it. My belly button has begun collecting lint. Not once. Not twice. Three days is a row! And not just a little lint, but a huge nugget. Every. Single. Day. Sort of like my belly crevice has become some hideous substitute for the less-than-glamourous dryer lint trap. Nasty.
I dread looking down. What will I find? Has my belly button developed some type of new curvature? Is it now more spoon than flesh? I live in fear. What have I become? What am I becoming? What will my belly trap next?