Tag Archives: Love Donkey

Love Donkey Sighting

Every now and then it happens. Seemingly only twelve people in the entire grocery store and we continually get in each other’s way. Blocked aisles. Slow moving carts. Uncomfortably close.

Well, today I overheard a conversational snippet from one of the families that were way too close in the “Chips Aisle.”

Mother speaking to her wandering child, “Come along, little love donkey.”

Now, I made sure to Google the term “love donkey,” before drafting this post. The only thing that I could find was an unlikely news story about a donkey falling in love with an emu (honest), so we’re all good.

Any who, that mom’s nickname made me smile and for a moment, just a moment, put me at peace, while she blocked my path to the Cheez-Its.