Tag Archives: Ben

“Deconstructed Apple Crisp” – Dessert of the Night (12/09/19)


Our 11-year-old Birthday Boy Ben making his “Deconstructed Apple Crisp” creation.

“Who needs a Birthday Cake, when you have created pure deliciousness? Our freshly minted 11-year-old son Ben came up with the idea of a ‘Deconstructed Apple Crisp’ for his birthday. Take out ingredients for baking and steer clear of the oven. Get ready for something sweet and completely original, just like our boy, Ben. Enjoy!”

3 cups Apples, sliced

1/2 cup Sugar

1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon

3/4 cup Quick Cooking Oats

1/4 cup Brown Sugar

1/3 cup Butter, melted

In a bowl, combine the apples, sugar, and cinnamon.

Place the apple mixture into a 9″x9″ pan.

Combine the oats, brown sugar, and melted butter.

Spoon the oat mixture over the top of the pan filled with the apple mixture.

Serve at room temperature.

Makes 5 servings.

Source: 11-year-old Ben Paulsen. Base recipe for “Apple Crunch” by Thea Anenson in the Wallace (South Dakota) Area Heritage Cookbook.

Don’t Read Into It

Today was one of those random days off during the school year. For whatever reason, only elementary schools were closed, so I took the day off and went rock climbing with my fifth grade son Ben.

We had a great and exhausting time. I even overcame some of my reluctance to be in high places. Oh, I don’t know, maybe it has something to do with me not wanting to fall a long way down. Any who, we really had a lot of fun.

On our way out of the building, we went by some shirts that were for sale. One had a really striking design with a series of mountains and some hard to read words blended into the drawing.

We stood there for a moment trying to decipher the text. Soon we figured it out, the shirt said, “Let’s get high.” Get it? Rock climbing gym. High. Yep.

So I turned to my fifth grade son and explained, “The shirt is making a joke by using words that have a double meaning. It is also talking about drugs.”

Looking back at me, my boy cut to the chase, “Yeah, but it is still a really cool looking shirt.”

Agreed and duly noted that we should not look to closely into stuff, lest we tarnish outward facing beauty. Oh and another thing, we are not buying that shirt.

Young Ben in action.

Eyebrow Acknowledgement

My 10-year-old son Ben sat patiently, as I got my hair cut. He appeared to be playing on his phone, but it soon became apparent that he was also listening.

After finishing up and paying, as we walked to the car, young Ben remarked, “You apologize a lot about your eyebrows.”

Yes son, indeed I do. Not that they are freak-like, hideous, or even ugly, it’s just that they get bushy. Very bushy. And as I age, the bushiness has become more pronounced. Yes, random hairs now dangerously (some would say boldly) stick out. Unless they are tamed, standing too close to me sometimes requires goggles.

Oh and I have tried to trim them myself, but the attempts never look right, always awkwardly short. I have tried to pluck the wayward hairs, but there’s always one to take the place of one just plucked. No, professional assistance is best. And those professionals deserve an apology.

I probably am not an unusual case. Many probably suffer from similar bushiness, but I have never heard another request for such treatment.

So there you have it, you now know my silent suffering. An ailment that is only discussed in the shamefully whispered requests under a barber’s shears.