Tag Archives: Apples

Don’t Eat the Apples

Today at the office, someone brought in a bag of big delicious Honeycrisp apples. They were super yummy and all day, we tried to track down the angel who brought in the free fruit.

Well, later in the day, I ran into the big boss. I asked if he had brought in the apples (he had not). This led to a conversation about how I was happy that they were not “horse apples” (i.e. apples that taste so bad that only a horse would eat them). This led to us chatting about how such apples were horrible to eat, but taste great in pies.

So I get back to my desk and my friend Josh, who overheard the conversation, informed me that “horse apples” actually refer to mummified horse crap. Uh, guess I’ll place this one in the “Awkward Conversations Best Not to have with the Big Boss” file.