Summer Blockbuster Trailer No. 1

So I was struggling a bit with a topic for this evening’s blog post.  Call it writer’s block.  Call it a blessing (hey, wait a second.  No one is forcing you to read this).  Call it whatever, I just did not have much.

Then I got to thinking, why not just borrow someone else’s idea.  Someone else’s great idea (thank you, Vicki Davis).  Yep, so that’s what I’m going to do.  As a result, tonight I am going to go all Hollywood on you.  I’m going to take an idea and turn it into a Summer Blockbuster, but wait.  First a trailer.  All great blockbusters begin with a trailer.  Something to get you excited.  Something to build interest.  Something intriguing.  Something to leave you wanting more.  “Chewy, we’re home.”  (Wait.  Sorry.  Cannot use that last bit.  I’m sure Disney already has that copyrighted.)

I have an idea

Sometimes, even the best “Thinkers” need to build upon someone else’s great idea.

 So without further ado, sit back and enjoy Official Trailer No. 1…

Coming soon.  A Joint The Goodness Coffee House and Production.

(Insert dramatic music, ramping up in an exciting crescendo.)

“Blog as Art”…

(Insert crazy dramatic and exciting graphics, maybe flying cookies.)

“The Blogosphere will never be the same.”

Summer 2015.

(Fade to black.  Audience left speechless.)


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