Quality is Job One

Here at www.CookiesbyDave.com, we take great pride in the quality of our content.  Usually, I even proofread the posts.  “Wow, Dave!  That’s really going the extra mile.”  Yep, commitment to quality, that’s me.  Well, it sure sounds good.  Any who, I often try out my material on my family at the dinner table, before going straight to the blog.  In fact, our 8-year-old Sam has even begun asking, “Any stories?,” during dinner, which leaves me the perfect opening to try out new material.

Yesterday, I had what I thought was an interesting and humorous tale about me repeatedly bumping my leg into my keyboard at the office.  Each time that I would bump the keyboard, it would mysteriously type the symbols, “*/.”  Sometimes even in rapid succession, such as, “****///**//***,” or something to that effect.  The rest of the tale involved a jelly bean falling on the floor and a power strip in an unexpected place.  Well the moral of the story is that my family has saved you from the rest of this not-so-riveting tale, because as I finished the story, my beloved and usually non-sarcastic wife responded in a deadpan voice, “Fascinating.”  Shocked, I looked around the table and the rest of the family was equally bored.  My story had received a vote of no confidence.  It would die on the Editing Room floor.

Quality, that’s what we are all about at www.CookiesbyDave.com.  Oh yeah, that and sparing you from my most boring tales.


2 thoughts on “Quality is Job One”

  1. You Boring?! Your family obviously needs to job shadow with you one day for that word never, ever, would discribe you in our work world “Mr. Mary Poppins”

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