
When Charlene and I met in grad school so many long years ago, we knew that we had signed up for a rough profession.  We knew that the average tenure for a City Manager was something crazy short like five years.  We knew there would be days like yesterday.  A day when Charlene’s city council approved a separation agreement.  A day that was not entirely surprising, but a day still painful.  A day still very raw.

Even though the events of yesterday still hurt, there is something to which I cling.  Pride in my wife.  Not only as a spouse, but as a professional.  Over our twenty years together, we have been through plenty.  Who hasn’t?  Twenty years is a long time.  Tragedies and challenges at home and work.  Yesterday was bad, but in no way was it the worst.  We will see brighter days.  Just like the Lord has provided for us in the past, we will be blessed again.  Of this I am certain.  As we experienced life together, my lovely, talented, smart, and above all strong wife has held her head high with me by her side.

Pride.  It is hard to measure.  Sort of an “I know it, when I see it” kind of emotion.  Well, last night, my pride in my wife and how she continues to carry herself was again present.  At the meeting, facing undesirable scenarios, my beautiful wife maintained her professionalism.  At one point, a member of the overwhelming group in attendance to support her stepped forward.  It was a grandmother with her preteen granddaughter at her side.  She just wanted to introduce her granddaughter to a strong female role model.  Someone who works hard, who cares abundantly, and who seldom looks back.  Someone her granddaughter could hold in high regard.

My pride was reaffirmed last night.  For even in the face of dark adversity, my wife, my precious Charlene held her head high.  She remained professional.  She stayed above the fray.  She stayed strong.  I could not have been more proud.

During the days ahead, I don’t know what opportunities will present themselves or what challenges await.  I do however know that the Lord will guide our steps and I will have the incredible woman that I love by my side.  Forever.


My wife.  My pride.  My source of joy and strength.  My Charlene.

Postscript – Your kindness and support have meant the world to us during these challenging past few days.  You have built us up.  For this, I am so grateful.

Over the next few months, I will be taking a step back and focusing on my family.  So when my posts become less frequent, don’t be concerned.  I’m simply taking care of my most precious blessing, my family.  Someday, when life settles down and the present tumult (great word, eh) drifts into memory, I will return with a steady stream of daily events.  I promise.

Thank you for sharing each day with me.  I treasure each and every one of you.

Fall Ball

It may be an old photo from last Autumn, but it still showcases my amazing wife.

20 thoughts on “Pride”

  1. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
    John 1:5
    Keep your light shining, baby, and keep those cookies coming!

    1. Thank you, Jeff. There is indeed light all around us and over the last few days we have seen so much light from so many supportive souls. The world is full of goodness and I am so thankful we received so much, when we needed it the most 🙂

  2. Your wife is a ROCK STAR! I am proud to call her my friend. While I am bitterly disappointed in the outcome, I am enormously proud of the way she handled herself and the way her friends, colleagues and community rallied around her to support her through a tough time. We are still here and will do all we can to help your family through this. Please let us know what you need. Bless You Dave and Charlene. We love you all and hold you in prayer!

  3. You guys are amazing. I’m so proud to call you friends! We stand with you and hold you all in our prayers. I know that there will be great things ahead for the whole family. Can’t wait to see what comes next for you all. We will be standing with you!

    1. Susan, Thank you for making me smile. I cannot agree more with the statement, “great things ahead for the whole family.” God has a plan and today was Day One 🙂 Thank you again, Dave

  4. I am grateful for your wife’s leadership skills. I am grateful that she has an ABUNDANCE of community support. I am grateful that no matter how difficult the task to work in Willmar has likely been, she was courageous giving it the best effort possible. I believe, with all my heart, that God has much greater plans for you and your family. When healing takes place, and you look back you might see God’s perfect plan. Charlene gave her best effort to better Willmar. When our hands are tied, God’s are not. Blessings to your family.

    1. You know the old saying…when one door closes another one opens? I just hope that door is in this community! God’s blessing to you and your wonderful family.
      p.s. many women standing out on the sidewalk during the meeting last night said they were there not only there for Charlene, they were there for their daughters, too.

      1. Sandra, With each generation gender equality gets a step closer and knowing Charlene played her part is a tremendous source of comfort and strength. Thank you so much for your support. The dear Lord will guide us, we just have to make sure and listen carefully 🙂 Thank you again, Dave

  5. Wonderfully written Dave, as usual for you. You are all a special and talented family that we admire so much. Your family has a very bright future!

    1. Bob, Thank you so much for all of your help. Since the time we arrived in Willmar, your talented and loving family has welcomed and supported us. Thank you for everything, Dave

  6. Dave,
    This is such a loving and sincere tribute to Charlene. You are blessed to have each other! I am touched by your resilience through the events that have unfolded, a true example of how to love your neighbor as yourself. Your character is built on the Lord and so many are in admiration of that! God bless you as you forge ahead!

    Thinking warm cookie thoughts to you and yours!
    Sarah Dahl

    1. Sarah,

      Thank you so much. You guys will never know how much your kind words and support have lifted us during this difficult time. It is so amazing to see the comfort of God directly expressed through friends and family. We are truly overwhelmed and so grateful.

      Your friend,

      PS – I love the timings on your posts (sort of late evening). It makes me smile at the memory of our kids being newborns. Good times. Good memories. Exhausting memories, but good and precious memories 🙂

  7. We have you in our prayers. We just heard this afternoon and pray for a good time of transition. We know from knowing you and Charlene here in Wichita that Charlene did a top quality job in her position in Minnesota.

    1. Elaine,

      Thank you so much for the thoughts and prayers. Charlene has been so incredible during this challenging time. It really speaks to her courage and strength. We think of St. Paul’s often and you guys are in our prayers. Thank you again for lifting us up. The Holy Spirit does amazing things through so many good people and you are a great example 🙂

      Your friend,

  8. What a beautiful tribute you have shared! Kevin and I are overwhelmed with sadness that your wonderful family has had to go through this difficult time. During tough times, I like to remember that “this” is temporary, and that God’s plan will prevail. Your faith will let you look ahead and know that you will all be even stronger because of this struggle. Thank you for being such a model family for our church, community and our families.

    1. Corrine,
      Thank you for your words of support. This is indeed just a speed bump on our path. The Lord had a reason for all of this and some day I’m sure we will better understand it’s purpose. It is so humbling to receive this level of support. We are truly blessed.
      – Dave

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