My Dinner with a Side of Mortality

I was being so good.  I had filled up my plate with a cup of healthy fruit.  I was letting others direct the conversation.  Maybe I was finally getting the hang of being a member of society.

Enjoying my dinner, I listened to the conversation around me.  12-year-old Jacob was lobbying his mother for more fruit.  His mom argued that he should leave enough fruit for everyone else.  I continued munching away in silence.

Jacob continued his protest.  “I’m a growing boy.” Then pointing at my plate, “Look at how much fruit Dad took.  He’s a dieting man.” I was good.  I continued eating.  I stayed above the fray.  Charlene’s face however was full of shock. She had misunderstood the words of her son.  Charlene thought Jacob was already planning my exit and had labeled me “a dying man.”

Just goes to show how everything falls apart, when I am well behaved at dinner.  Now, please pass the fruit.  Apparently, I don’t have much time left.


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