My Daily Reminder to be Thankful

I like my blog posts to be perfect.  A thing of beauty, if only in my eyes.  Sometimes (more like often) I fall short.  Plenty of spelling errors.  Countless grammatical blunders (my writing style alone justifies constant activation of Microsoft Word’s “green underline”).  Thankfully there is a “Save Draft” function, where I can save an idea and come back later to clean it up.  I know you are thinking, “If he only publishes the ‘good stuff,’ the other posts must be downright horrendous.”  Yes and no.  Some are pretty bad and die on the Editing Room floor, others however I just was being too picky and should have run with, instead of waiting for perfection.  This morning’s post falls in the latter category.  I was looking for something profound.  Some wonderful way to express my love for my oldest son Jacob on his eleventh birthday (months ago in November).  Unfortunately, I did not think the post was “just right” and left it in the “Draft” folder.

Yesterday’s post, “Change for Better,” inspired me to revisit my draft that I had written for Jacob’s birthday.  I’m glad I did.  Sure, there are unfinished aspects to the narrative.  Sure, it lacks a truly profound message.  It does however come from the heart.  Sometimes there’s no need to look for more, that’s all you need.

[My draft from Jacob’s birthday on November 26, 2014, the day before Thanksgiving, follows.  My apologies for the delay, but better late than never.]


Baby Jacob

I am still amazed that in eleven short years, the baby in the above photo can become the young man in the below photo.  I would also like to clarify that having Mom’s chocolate waffles on his birthday was Jacob’s idea.  He also received a cake, I promise.

Waffle Birthday

Ha!  Below is proof of a birthday cake.


Also shown in this photo is another amazing reason to be thankful.  Yep, off to the left, is the chuckling face of Jacob’s sprite of a little brother, 5-year-old Ben.  Not shown is yet another brother, 7-year-old Sam.  God has been so generous and blessed our family so much with three handsome and charming boys.  God is great and my boys are proof.  Amen.

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