Messages of the Highly Urgent and Not-So-Much Kind

Pulling into a parking space at the coffee shop, I was seconds (and just a few feet) away from meeting my wife. That’s when my front pocket violently shook.  Yes, being a responsible driver, I stow my cell phone in my front pocket, while driving, in order to make it inaccessible.  Startled by the unsuspected motion, I pulled in a little too fast and bumped the curb a little too hard.  Putting the car in park, I checked my phone to see a message from my wife, “Where are you?”  MESSAGE OF THE NOT-SO-URGENT KIND

Casually strolling out of the bathroom, our 7-year-old son walked by me. Calmly looking over his shoulder, as he walked away, he informed me, “The toilet’s plugged.”  MESSAGE OF THE URGENT KIND


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