Lumpy Butt Fame

One of the best parts of having your own website is the statistics.  What post has been most popular?  How many people visited your site yesterday?  What search terms were used to access your site?

Well, usually they are the “best” part of having your own website, but every now and then, the stats can be troubling.  Such as, earlier this week, someone found my website by entering the term “lumpy butt” into a search engine.  Not “cookies.”  Not “socks.”  Not “silly dude with a blog.”  Nope, I was found via “lumpy butt.”  While, I am happy to have a new visitor, I would like to clarify that I do not have a “lumpy butt.”  I am also not known as or have I ever been known as “lumpy butt” (at least not that I know of and by the way, that would be hurtful).  Unsettling.  The whole thing is just a little unsettling.

Okay, full disclosure, a little while back, I wrote a post called, “Pocket Fail and Lumpy Butt.”  I was pretty happy with the post, but I never wanted it to become my online legacy.  Worse yet, my Google legacy.  Thankfully, I chose not to include a photo of my actual rear.  Needless to say, that would have really been a legacy to avoid.


Now for the clue…

What do you want for Christmas?


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