Jumping to Extremes

After spending plenty of time, I had given up.  Perhaps the dog ate it.  Perhaps we miscounted.  Perhaps someone moved it.  Perhaps it had been sucked into some rapture.  No matter the reason, we could not find one of our Easter eggs.  Not just any Easter egg, but one of the hardboiled variety.  Not a plastic one filled with chocolate or coins.  No, unfortunately the kind that would go stinky after a few days.

For the most part, we had moved on.  I was cleaning dishes from Easter dinner, when all of a sudden, it appeared!  Like a vision, all was made clear.  That egg had been within feet of us for most of the day.  Sitting out in the open, but yet invisible.

Gleefully, I called all of my boys into the kitchen to tell them the good news.  Still however, they all walked within inches of the egg without seeing it.  Then all of a sudden, it seemed to appear and they also saw it nestled in a plant’s leaves.

Informing them that we should all be checked for mild color blindness, 6-year-old Ben clarified the situation, “It was camouflaged!”  Yes, indeed.  Hypochondriac Daddy, step away from the ledge.  The boy is right.  That Easter Bunny sure knows how to hide them.

Camo Egg

Green on green.  Clever little rabbit.


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