Is There a Doctor in the Game?

Occasionally I will help out at my 9-year-old son’s Little League games by keeping the official score.  For the most part, this involves answering the question “What is the score?” about 46 times, but I also need to keep track of the lineup.

Noting the next few batters that would be coming up for the opposition, I was surprised to see that #6 was named “Dr. V.” Finding this pretty funny, I pointed it out to the Third Grader sitting next to me on the bench.  Overhearing my observation, another coach pointed out “Or he could be named Dru.”

Sure, that’s a possibility too, but I am the official scorer and we will be sticking with Doctor V.  “So it is written, so it shall be done.”

Doctor V

Proof that the other coach’s penmanship was setting me up for a fall.  Ah, the mind games of Little League.  The game inside the game.

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