How Many Shoes Does a Man Need?

As for me, in the office, five. I know, staggering. You are thinking, “How can Dave, by no means a fashion icon, have so many shoes at the office?” Well, allow me to run them down for you.

Pair One – office shoes. Duh. Usually on my feet. You are thinking, “What?!? Usually, on his feet?!?” Hold up there, traditionalist. Answer coming in “Pair Five.”

Pair Two – walking shoes. Old running shoes who now stand on guard for someone to say, “Hey Dave, wanna take a walk?” Why sure, I do.

Pair Three – boots. Again, duh. It’s Minnesota. Snow, plus life, equals the need for boots.

Pair Four – gym shoes. Now, sure these are in my gym bag and only emerge at the Y Center over lunch, but they are still at hand, just in case of a foot apparel emergency.

Pair Five (drum roll, please) – slippers. You are screaming inside, “What the Hell, Dave?!?” Hey, settle down and listen. When the office gets real cold (every single day), I sit down and under my desktop, I slip off my shoes (gasp!) and glide on my slippers (oh, so nice). Don’t worry, they appear only in my cube. No outward exposure. Just snug piggies in the safety of my workspace. Be jealous. Be very jealous.

So there you have it, five pairs of shoes at work. Just the right number to get the job done.

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