Hearing Does Not Last Forever

Driving home, “November Rain” came on the radio. From the start, I began singing along. With each line, I turned it up a little.

It was a beautiful thing, as I sang along with Axl. Hard to say, but I’m pretty sure they would have asked me to join Guns N’ Roses right then and there. I continued to gradually turn up the radio.

Thing is, “November Rain” is a long song, a very long song, in two parts. Plenty song for most of the drive home and certainly enough to get me to the High School, where I needed to pickup my son.

As my boy hopped into the car, the song was nearing the end of its first half, “I know that you can love me, when there’s no one left to blame.” I paid little attention to my son, as Slash played the guitar and my mind’s eye replayed the music video with Stephanie Seymour in a sexy wedding dress. Then the unthinkable happened, my boy turned down the radio.

Feeling betrayed, I looked at my boy with sadness. Then my teen explained, “If you don’t turn that down, you won’t be able to hear us anymore.” Well, my boy, if I am gonna lose my hearing, it should be to a great song. So, turn it up! You see, nothing lasts lasts forever, even cold November rain.

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