Happy (?) Good Friday

Whenever the family travels in my car and Charlene is sitting in the passenger seat, she has a tendency to leave papers in the little plastic “bin” in the passenger side door.  Grocery lists.  Directions.  Brochures.  You name it.  Every so often, I empty the bin, but it is far from a high priority, so it tends to contain dated information.

Driving home from work this afternoon, I glanced over at the passenger seat and something caught my eye.  There in the bin was one of my 6-year-old son Ben’s drawings.  He had jotted it on the back of a church bulletin on Good Friday and Charlene had left it by her seat.

Sure I never imagined Jesus being so happy on the cross, but seeing Ben’s drawing certainly brought a smile to my face.  Yep, I can say for certain, today was a “Good” Friday.

Good Friday

Considering the smile on his face, Jesus certainly exhibits an exceptional degree of composure.


2 thoughts on “Happy (?) Good Friday”

  1. When our kids were little and I mean little, probably around 3, we always gave them paper and pen during the sermon to keep them quite as not to disrupt anyone. By the age of 5 we noticed our son Christopher had a very special talent and certainly a gift from God. So talented that I would find myself watching him as the years went by as to how he would choose his subject that Sunday morning and ALWAYS on the back of the bulletin, he’d start to draw. Unfortunately, it was more than once I’d catch myself watching him instead of listening. He had such a talent and was so encouraged by family and friends that by graduation he went to Alexandria Technical college for Art and Communication. He is now 25 and on the rare occasion he has the opportunity to come with us…I still hand him a pen not only to watch him draw but to see the smile it brings to his face as he remembers all those years, that we let him know it was Ok to draw during the sermon. Just a FYI….his usual subject was the cross! So come tomorrow morning hand him the bulletin and a pen/pencil and see what the future holds for Ben ☺

    1. Caryn,
      Love it! Come to think of it, I could even encourage him by bringing along some colored pencils. He would probably be thrilled to see me switch things up a little bit 🙂
      – Dave

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