“Glimpse of a Future Champ” – A Championship Guest Post

It’s Father’s Day, so it seems like the perfect opportunity for me to put up my feet and relax, both in the real, as well as the digital, world. With that relaxed attitude in mind, I present to you a Guest Post written by my 12-year-old son Sam. Enjoy!

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“Earlier this week, my brother Ben and I were going to the library to get a book that Ben had wanted. Little did we know that we would run into a WWE CHAMPION! Or so we thought. We saw his belt. Saw the WWE world championship logo. So we walked away knowing that we had seen a WWE world champion, thinking he came down to visit Minnesota for the lakes.

Later, we walked by him to find that he was neither muscular nor athletic. In fact, he was quite skinny and well into his fifties.

Well, Ben went to checkout his book and I leaned on a bookshelf and waited. While waiting, I saw the WWE champion go up to a librarian and ask for some WWE books, as well as a workout book. I guess he was on his way to the WWE title, even in his fifties. When he does eventually win, I can proudly say that I met a WWE champion, while he prepared for training at the library, before his glory days.”

My boys. I would not have life any other way.

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