Gentlemanbug – A Superhero Origin Story

True story.  A short while ago, the unseasonably warm Autumn weather in Minnesota resulted in bizarre swarms of ladybugs.  Sure enough, a cold spell hit and most of them died, but every now and then one or two would appear.  Randomly in your car.  Strangely enough clinging to your porch window.  They just would not go away.

Well, the day in question was a little windy and I was sauntering into the office (I like to saunter around the office, it just sounds better that way).  Any who, a citizen held open the door for me to enter the building.  I turned to him to say “Thanks” and at that very moment I felt a “thwack” in my right ear.

Not wanting to dig around in my ear with others around, I waited a second and then searched my ear with my pinky (you know nothing bigger than your elbow should go into your ear, although this will of course result in very yucky ear innards).  There I found something perfectly wedged.  Turning my head to the side, it finally popped out and there I found the culprit, a ladybug.

Yep, in Hollywood this real life tale would have been even more dramatic.  The birth of Gentlemanbug (since a male superhero named ladybug just doesn’t make any sense).  Fighting crime, our hero would have hard shell-like bulletproof skin, spots under his clothes, a deep reddish tan, the ability to fly, be vulnerable to cold temps, and sadly have an inferiority complex over anything slightly effeminate.

Now, it’s time to just sit back and wait for the royalty checks to roll in.  A hero is born.


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