Friend to the End

Almost 13 years. Over 190,000 miles together.

We had been through a lot.

Many houses. Many states. A growing family, expanding from one kid to three.

My dear Ford Freestyle and I had been through a lot.

Famed for its Dashboard Meringues.

Infamous for our failed attempt to create our own ice cream truck.

Teased in its later life as the “Trash Wagon,” my beloved friend and I traveled oh so many miles together.

The end came after work. A day like most others, but this one ended in a soft rain.

My friend struggled first at stops. Then struggled to accelerate. Then lights began to flash a plenty.

My friend soldiered on. The final miles full of uncertainty. Pulling into my driveway, my friend emptied its soul.

One last trip, my beloved “Trash Wagon” died knowing I was safe at home.

Although the Kelly Blue Book value was slightly more than the accumulated change in the center console, my precious Ford was worth more to me than gold.

It fit me. It lived with me. It shared joy with me. It was my companion along the way.

My friend, as you take the on ramp to the Highway to Heaven. I thank you for being everything that a friend can be. I thank you for always carrying me home.

2 thoughts on “Friend to the End”

  1. So sorry to hear this. We had a Plymouth Reliant Station wagon for a LONG time and so hoped we could get to 200,000 miles but it didn’t happen! It became a serious oil burner toward the end. We used to think a paid for car was worth about $10,000!! but these days probably worth more like $20,000. We are car shopping due to getting t-boned by an “impaired” driver a couple of blocks from Deb and Patrick’s house last Sunday evening – little damage to us but our Equinox got totalled. Hope you get a new loyal vehicle with to have a long good time with!

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