Forgotten Fruit

It was 4:30PM on Friday and the office potluck could safely be declared as over. I surveyed the remains. A bag containing chip crumbs, a jar with a thin layer of queso, and a bowl containing some random berries. Well, there you have it. The fruit scraps of blueberries and strawberries would be the winner. They would be my snack for the drive home.

I put the fruit in a little bowl and began my end of day circuit around the office. “Have a great weekend.” “What are your plans?” “See you Monday.” I turned off my computer and headed home.

Well into the weekend, I had the sneaking feeling that I had forgotten something. The fruit. It never made it into the car. I never ate it. It had to be sitting somewhere in the office. Absentmindedly set down, during my rounds.

I imagined disaster. Fruit flies gone amok. Rotting yummies sitting out for days.

First thing Monday morning, I began my frantic search. Copy Room. Nothing. Co-worker cubes. Nothing. Kitchen Area. Nothing. Top of file cabinets. Nothing. Nothing, nothing, anywhere I looked, nothing.

The fruit had vanished. Either a Good Samaritan had disposed of it, the fruit flies had gobbled it up (bowl and all), or (gasp) some beast that roams the empty cubes on the weekends had swallowed it whole.

Sorry guys, I appeared to have fed the beast (that has to be the case). Remember, safety in numbers. Leave the office in pairs.

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