Forgive Oneself

Heading to the gym, I wasn’t feeling it. The tank was kind of empty. It was an accomplishment just to get in the door.

Then I reflected on the need. I needed to be there, because of past actions. Past lack of restraint. Past indulgence. Past gluttony. Past carelessness, all leading for the need for me to work at a body well within its middle age. Humph. Stupid, past version of myself. Stupid.

Then I started sweating. Not just a light sweat, but one of those excursion level sweats where you have really pushed yourself. Made yourself work at a maximum level. Then I smiled. Smiled through the sweat at the guy in the mirror. Yep, he was the same guy that had foolishly over indulged in youth, but he is also the same guy capable of a comeback. The same guy who dragged himself to the gym. The same guy who was sweating buckets and giving it his all.

That guy deserved forgiveness. That sweaty guy in the mirror, he’s a keeper.

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