Extra Bad

Although the conversation portrayed within this post is real, the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Enjoy!

The workday was wrapping up and I was chatting with my friends Melissa and Jerry. We were chatting about baseball team chemistry and how some of those same principles translate to the office environment. I was spouting off about the value of the clubhouse leader, that guy who encourages their teammates to do their best. Arrive early, stay late. Hustle.

Melissa suggested that I sometimes play the role of clubhouse leader. I built on her idea and proposed a scenario where I could encourage new employees. We always refer to new conceptual employees by the unisex name of “Jordan.” I suggested that my encouraging conversation with Jordan would go as follows, “Jordan, time to stay late for some extra BP (batting practice).”

My friend Jerry looked confused and a bit shocked, “Did you say, ‘Jordan, time to stay late for some extra DP (Dave Paulsen)?'”

Oh my, no. That would be the worst employee incentive program ever. Time to turn in my keys for everything, especially the clubhouse.

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