Doughnut Love Lost – The Epilogue

I got reader feedback!  Incredible awesome reader feedback about my recent desires for an unattainable powdered jelly doughnut that was in the office (  Well, even though we are still in negotiations with Dakota Johnson to play the role of the jelly doughnut in the big screen adaptation, I thought an epilogue would be appropriate, so here it goes.  Enjoy (maybe best done after you put the kids to bed, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more)…


It has been two days, since we last saw each other.  I knew we had to part, but that doesn’t ease the pain.  It does little to satisfy my hunger.  A hunger that burns so deep.

I look for her online, but she is nowhere to be found.  In crowded bakeries, I glance at the display cases hoping to see her powder white flesh, but she is never there.  All I find are pale imitations of the one for which I still crave.  I miss her gentle curve.  I yearn for her soft fried dough in my mouth.  I have not found another.  I fear I never will.

My friends tell me that I’m better off.  They tell me that she would not have been good for my heart.  Still I miss everything about her.

I’ve tried other snacks, but the taste of her powdered sugar on lips is the only sensation that will satisfy me.

I burn with jealousy at the thought of another savoring her silky jelly.  She was meant to be mine, but it was never meant to be.

Perhaps, the best images are not on film.  They aren’t stored on a computer or the cloud.  The best visions dwell in your mind, where you can embrace love lost and fully taste sweet doughnuts that are long gone.



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