Dimwit Clean Dishes

I have a friend, who shall remain nameless to protect his innocence. I talk about most anything with this friend, including dish soap. Now, don’t get the wrong idea. I certainly discuss plenty of manly things with this friend, including baseball, beer, and women, but also dish soap, so back off.

Well, this past weekend, I received a text from him stating that he just realized that Palmolive is a combination of the words “palm” and “olive.” Whoa! This was news to me, as well. Mind blown! Who knew? Well, apparently my friend’s daughter, who shall also remain nameless, already knew this. Now, this young woman is a fine person, which is why it surprised me to learn that she was “surprised by our thickness” at our dish soap ignorance. Humph.

I mentioned this story to my son, who is 10-years-old and shall remain nameless. Giving a shrug, he stated that yes, he knew about the palm, olive breakdown. Double humph. I used to think my son was nice.

Today, I relayed this story to my friend at work. She by the way is a colleague who shall remain nameless. Now don’t get me wrong, I chat about most anything with this friend, including lots of work stuff such as meeting strategies, data sets, and project planning, but also other stuff, such as dish soap. In response to my story, she noted that it makes sense, since it is olive for the palms of your hands. What? I was thinking palm as in tree. Again, mind blown. Thickness confirmed.

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