“Cream Cheese filled Pumpkin Snickerdoodles” – Cookie of the Week (10/11/15)

Cream Cheese filled Pumpkin Snickerdoodles

A look at the cookie’s cream cheese innards.


“It’s that time of year, the time of year to jump on the pumpkin bandwagon. Pumpkin this, pumpkin that. It’s all pumpkin, all the time, and it’s all good. In this case, pumpkin makes the perfect pairing for snickerdoodles, where pumpkin’s naturally cakey cookies mesh perfectly with a plump snickerdoodle. Throw in some yummy cream cheese filling and a hint of ginger in the coating and all aboard the Tasty Train!

One word of warning however… okay, make that two. When making these cookies make absolutely certain that you chill the dough as directed. Soft dough will make the assembly process for these cookies seem like a glimpse into Hell itself. Also, leave yourself lots and lots of time. These bad boys take patience to assemble, but with a ticket on the Tasty Train included, it is well worth it. Enjoy!”



1 cup Butter

1 cup Sugar

½ cup Brown Sugar

¾ cup Pumpkin

1 Egg

2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract

3¾ cups Flour

1½ teaspoons Baking Powder

½ teaspoon Salt

½ teaspoon Cinnamon

¼ teaspoon Nutmeg



8 ounces Cream Cheese, softened

¼ cup Sugar

2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract



½ cup Sugar

1 teaspoon Cinnamon

½ teaspoon Ginger

Dash of Allspice


Cream the butter, sugar, and brown sugar.

Mix in the pumpkin.

Mix in the egg and vanilla extract.

Mix in the flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

Chill the dough for at least one hour.


Mix together the softened cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla extract.

Chill the filling for at least one hour.


Combine the sugar, cinnamon, ginger, and allspice.

Set aside.


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Take a deep breath.

Take one Tablespoon of chilled dough and flatten it into a small disk in your hand (make sure the disk is not too thin).

Place a ½ teaspoon dollop (great word, eh?) of chilled cream cheese filling onto the middle of the small dough disk.

Wrap the dough disk up and around the cream cheese filling, as to completely encase the cream cheese goodness.

Roll the newly sealed dough between your hands to form a ball of dough.

Roll the dough ball in the sugar and spice coating.


Place onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet.

Repeat until you have about nine balls of dough scattered around the baking sheet.

Bake for 12 minutes or until the bottoms of the snickerdoodles are lightly browned.


Makes about 62 cookies.

Revised Source: “Pumpkin Cheesecake Snickerdoodles” recipe, as found on “therecipecritic.com.”


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