At work, some folks have a love-hate relationship with the copy machine. As for me, it’s all love. First of all, it never jams. Second, it has all sorts of cool features. Third, it gives me time to contemplate life as it collates the day’s work. It is a thing of beauty, our office copier.
Well, the other day, I was watching it produce a nice 20 page or so document for stapling and it did the cutest thing. Instead of just stapling right away or simply knocking the papers all to one side for processing, two tiny “hands” gently nudged the papers together into a nice stack. Nudge, nudge, nudge, went the little copier hands. It was adorable.
Noticing this nifty feature, I pointed it out to my co-worker, who was standing behind me, waiting for me to finish up. With a gentle smile, she asked, “How is it that you noticed this?” Um well (awkward moment), you see I am rather fond of the copier and we sort of have a special bond. ‘Nuff said.
Copier, don’t worry. I get you. I know you have the closest thing a machine has to a soul. Keep up the good work, the work of your precious tiny hands.