Complete Catch Phrase

What does a tired man do?  He rambles.  So that’s what I shall do.  Ramble.  Tonight’s topic for rambling:  catch phrases.

You’re asking yourself, “Dave, what does the world need?  I mean really really need.” Well, random voice in the reader’s head, the world needs a new catch phrase.  Like yesterday needed it.  Awesome?  Nope.  Cool? Please.  Lit? Gimme a break.  I’ve got something to replace them.  Get ready to have your mind blown.  The new word is “complete.”

Soon, instead of overhearing your teen boys say, “That girl is hot.” Now, you will hear, “That girl is complete.”

Instead of hearing your buddies say, “The game was awesome!” Now, you will hear, “The game was complete.”

Yep, complete.  This random babbling of a tired dude is complete.  You cool with that?


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