
After three and a half years at the city (see my post “Pride” for background), today was Charlene’s final day at work.  In honor of this new beginning, I would like to raise a toast.  So grab a beverage of your choice and lift it high.

“Here’s to reaching finish lines and friends that carried us through.

Here’s to ending one chapter and turning the page to something new.

Here’s to the dear Lord who will guide us to something great we have yet to comprehend.

Join me in saying, ‘Cheers to Charlene!’

The best damn manager I know, my wife, my beloved, my friend.”


“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” – Jeremiah 29:11


Charlene.  My wife, my beloved, my friend.


14 thoughts on “Cheers”

  1. Best of luck on your next adventure. More time for cookies. New business Dave and Charlene’s fabulous cookies. Yay!!

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