Candy Blackout

Getting ready to leave for church, I slide into the driver’s seat.  Glancing down, I saw something strange.  Something odd on the steering wheel.

Pointing it out to my teenager, he ventured a hypothesis.  “Kirby and the ice cream?”

Yes, perhaps.  It was all coming back to me.  You see, I tend to blackout around sweets.  As a result, it’s a dangerous time of year for me.  One minute, I’m standing next to the candy dish.  Then darkness and I find myself two hours later on the floor surrounded by snack size wrappers.  A dangerous time of year, indeed.

Thankfully, my kids remembered.  They remembered how I had been left alone at home with two of my kids.  We had finished dinner and I proposed several dessert options (often my downfall).  The boys quickly selected Dairy Queen and as we got ready to leave the house, I remembered the other boy that was home.  Such a good boy.  My furry boy.  My beagle Kirby.  Yes, Kirby could come with us to get ice cream.  Why not?  Let the furry one live a little.

Pulling up to the Drive-Thru window, I grabbed our order.  Three Blizzards for the humans and one small kiddie sized dish of vanilla ice cream for our dog.  Setting the dish of ice cream in the cup holder, Kirby went to town.  Likewise, I dug into my Blizzard.

That my friends, is how hours slip away and how you end up with dog slobber mixed ice cream spattered on your steering wheel.  It’s a dangerous time of year, consider yourself warned.


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