Brown Nose

No one at home noticed my new haircut.  Begging for attention, I pointed out my hair.  Halfhearted responses arrived, “Oh yeah, nice hair, Dad, “Looks nice,” and “Do you realize that you have something brown on your nose?”

A bit taken back and putting my apparent invisibility on the shelf for a moment, I asked about the brownness of my nose.  “Oh, it looks like coffee or food or something.  Was it there long?” How should I know?  I don’t even look at myself and apparently no one else does either.

Thinking back, at lunch there were some leftovers from an event that I sampled.  Pulled pork sandwiches (yum) and barbeque sauce (gasp, culprit identified).

It was now 6pm and many hours had passed since I ate the sandwich.  What?!?  Invisible at home and now at work, too.  Shall I just plaster on some clown makeup and prance around backwards whistling “Dixie?”  (Fact, I do not normally do that.) No one would care.  No one would notice.

Just another needy boyman, with a new haircut and a brown nose, looking for some attention.  Don’t make me start whistling “Dixie.”


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