Blogging Live from the Clubhouse Floor

Well, here I am folks, giving you a live report from our backyard clubhouse floor.  A little background first.  We planned a pretty low key Spring Break for the kids.  The most exciting thing being discussed was watching our way through the six Star Wars movies.  Other than that, nothing on our plate, just a lot of relaxing and little adventures around town.  The boys had other ideas.

One of their ideas for Spring Break was spending a night in the backyard clubhouse.  That is where I find myself surrounded by my personal clone army.  Tucked away on my corner of the clubhouse floor, under a small battery powered light, with a weak Internet connection, trying to will myself to sleep.  Unfortunately, I usually go to sleep 2-3 hours after the boys, so here I find myself.  Cold hard floor.  Curled up in a sleeping bag.  Fluctuating between too hot and cold.

Then I settled down and realized that this is a small price to pay.  One uncomfortable night’s sleep in exchange for three happy boys.  Back pain well spent.

Clubhouse Dave

Okay, my post was not creepy, until I looked at my “selfie by the dim light.”  Creepy.  Not “Blair Witch Creepy,” but still a tad creepy.  Nighty, night all.


2 thoughts on “Blogging Live from the Clubhouse Floor”

  1. Wow, a night in the clubhouse and not even an April Fools joke. Not too many sleep out nights in MN on April 1.

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