Beaker, Me

There I was preparing for a work presentation that I had done at least a dozen times. I had handouts. I had the map to my destination. I had it personalized, just a tad (by the way, what a great word, “tad”). I had this in the bag.

Heading out from work, I figured that I would stop by the restroom. Washing my hands, I glanced up into the mirror and that’s when my world fell apart. There looking back at me was my face (I know, bad enough, but wait there’s more) and smack dab in the middle of my eyebrows… an extra hair. It was as if 1/1,000th of 1% of my right eyebrow had drifted off. The start of a unibrow.

Mind you, I groom myself. Extra hair, be gone! But this startled me. It was just not right.

Fear not, I soldiered on, but not as self-confident bureaucrat Dave, but sadly as a life size clone of the Muppet “Beaker.”

You be the judge. I just pray that I didn’t sound like him, too.

Beaker DaveThe Real Beaker

Me (posing in another public restroom setting, so as not to scare or scar the good people of my workplace) and Beaker. I’m on the left, no the right, oh no! See I cannot even tell which one is the real me. This has gotten bad. Very bad.

The Extra Hair

As if you could not see it, here is the unicorn-like “extra” hair highlighted. Now feel free to look away in horror. It’s alright. I understand.


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