My team was in a bit of a funk. One loss, two rain outs, we needed a distraction. A reminder that baseball is first and foremost fun.
Now, we all know that Abner Doubleday didn’t really invent baseball, but we can say for certain that Dave Paulsen introduced the “Banana Throw Competition” into baseball practice.
Sit back and watch baseball history (“You’re welcome, in advance”).
Behold, the first ever Banana Throw Competition
…in slow mo…
Wondering if I made a difference, wondering if I reminded the kids to just have fun, I turned to a player leaving practice, and said in passing, “Banana.” A smile flashed across his face.
That baseball fans was a home run.
So do you fear introducing Key Lime Pie into those impressionable minds?
Oh, I’m thinking that the next lesson may involve some flying pie :0)