Bag of Salt for a Belly

Today was rather slippery.  Freezing rain, sleet, slick outside, you get the idea.  As a result, over lunchtime, I made a run to the store to pick up some salt.  The key words there were “pick up.”

As I retrieved three bags of salt and hoisted them into the shopping cart, it struck me how freaking heavy a 50 pound bag of salt can be.  Sure my upper body is not a portrait of fitness, but these babies were hefty.

Pushing my 150 pound heavier than it used to be shopping cart to the checkout aisle, it struck me.  If I took my weight and subtracted one of those 50 pound bags of salt, I would be on the lighter side of my ideal weight range.  That’s right, I am carrying around a 50 pound bag of salt on my belly every day.  Talk about a workout!  You would think I would be more fit as a result (Huh?  Great logic, chubs.).

Settling back into my chair at the office, I got ready to work.  That’s when I saw it.  Staring at me from the corner of my desk, my office candy jar filled to rim with heart shaped chocolates.  Hershey’s chocolate, pretty tasty stuff.  Made in the USA, too (Snack like an American!).  After unwrapping a few, popping them into my mouth, and chewing, I figured that I had burned a few more calories getting at my little snack (All right!  That’s enough!  Stop it!  Enough of the bizarre justifications!  Step away from the candy jar!).

Office Candy Dish

Ah, the office candy jar, such a tempting temptress.

Oh well, time to embrace reality.  Once I finish off the candy jar, it is time to put it in storage.  Time to start working off that bag of salt, after I unwrap the final few chocolates, of course (Counts as a warm up, right?).


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